NT-Z5RMini standalone access controller is almost the smallest standalone access controller in the world, it has special designed for management of the electronic lock. Mini dimension allows to install it inside the lock as aboard, as well as separately in the case.
NT-Z5R has plenty functions, It can control the reader, lock opening button, door opening sensor, electronic lock, external LED, external buzzer, power supply, etc.
NT-Z5R owns 4-operation modes (normal mode/ safe mode/ accept mode/ trigger mode), It satisfies different security requirements.
1.Normalmode : Normal card and safety card open the door.
2. safemode: Special authorization safety card enter the door. (It is different from normal card , it must special authorization).
3. Acceptmode: Enter the accept mode, then swipe blank card, the blank card information will be saved.
4. Triggercard: Swiping manage card, the door keep open. ( when you swipe managecard the second time,
the door back to normal mode).

NT-Z5R Mini standalone access controller
NT-Z5R Mini standalone access controller is almost the smallest standalone access controller in the world, it has special designed for management of the electronic lock. Mini dimension allows to install it inside the lock as a board, as well as separately in the case. NT-Z5R has plenty functions, It can control the reader, lock opening button, door opening sensor, electronic lock, external LED, external buzzer, etc.