Q. I can't open the software after the installation, what should I do?
A: Check whether the Framework.net 2.0 is installed ornot. Install the dotnetfx.Exe file under the Framework folder under theinstallation cd, and be attention for the Prompt box of the anti-virussoftware. The software has already been opened but minimize to the lower rightcorner of the desktop.
Q. Why I cannotinstall the Framework?
A:(1) You're not the system administratorof the windows;
(2) The installation has been estimated threatening and been stopped(you should close the anti-virus software first, restartthe computer when the installation is finished).
Q. Why theDevice fails to connect with PC?
A: (1) Check if the data cable of themachine is correct;
(2) Check if the power line is working and start up the machine;
(3)Check if the communication mode and parameter are correct;
(4) If using the USB communication, check out whether the USB driver is set upor not;
(5) If none of the above reasons, please open and run the Check.exe under theRims installation directory.
A:Theprompt box will display Successful Connect after the connection, insert CD andclick Next step.
Q. The time of themachine is not correct, what should I do?
A: DeviceManagement -> Normal-> Synchronous Time Device (Synchronize device time and the current computertime.)
A: Get theDevice connected; User Management -> choose the Device ID (Device);right-click the chosen user -> Get all Enroll -> Upload Enroll ->Upload Username.
Q. Why there's nodata in the report?
A: (1) Check if the data has been acquired;
(2) Check if the personnel information is written;
(3) Check whether the Enroll ID is in accordance with the number of theattendance machine or not;
(4) Check if the personnel's date of entry is correct;
(5) Check whether the default shift is correct or not;
(6) Check if the machine time, report query time is correct;
(7) Check if the data statistics has been done.
Q. There're too manycolumns in the report, what should I do to delete some of them?
A: Right-clickthe column of the report -> display/hidden columns -> select thewanted/unwanted ones -> save.
Q. What can I set inthe Attendance Rule Setting?
A: Attendancemanagement -> Attendance Rule: Late/Early/Absence rules, Duty time, Shift,Weekend, Holiday, Overtime Rules.
Q. What can I dowith the data after reinstalling operating system?
A: SystemMaintenance -> Restore DB; re-input the personnel name, enroll ID (whichwill display in the screen of the machine when punching the card) and other information,acquire all the data again, then process the data.
Q. The device cannotbe entered when the administrator is changed, what should I do?
A:Devicemanagement -> Normal-> Cancel Administrative Authority; Re-enroll the administrator.
Q. Is there anyelectronic document for help?
A:Right-clickthe blank area of the software -> Help -> Online User Manual
Q.What operationsshould be handed over when the administrator's resigning?
A:Fingerprint enroll, backup enroll,administrator enroll, cancel administrative enrollment