FAQ for fingerprint time attendance
Question & Answer
Q: Some user's fingerprint often can't beverified, how can such problem be solved?
A: The following situations can resultin a terminal not being able to verify a fingerprint:
(1) Fingerprint was rubbed down;
(2) Too many crinkles on fingerprint;
(3) Serious desquamation of fingers.
If the user’s fingerprint is not able to beverified, please delete it then enroll it again, or use a different finger forenrollment instead. Select the best fingers to enroll (less crinkles, nodesquamation, etc.). When enrolling a user please make sure that thefinger covers the biggest area it can on the sensor. Do a verification testright after enrollment. It is recommended to enroll more than onefingerprint per user.
Q: What will cause a communicationerror between the software and the terminal.
A: Possible reasons:
1. Wrong COM setting, COM port chosen isnot the COM port actually used.
2. Baud rate setting on computer COM portand fingerprint terminal is different.
3. The fingerprint terminal is notconnected to power or to the computer.
4. Wrong terminal No. selected.
6. The data cable or converter is faulty.
7. Faulty COM port on computer.
Q: The LCD doesn’t display correctlyafter I switched on the unit, sometimes a black stripe displays on screen, howcan I solve this?
1. The main board of the terminal isfaulty. Contact your supplier and return products to be repaired.
2. Internal characteristic problem on LCD,you need contact your supplier and return products to be repaired.
Q: How to eliminate the administratoron a terminal.
A: Make sure the terminal and thecomputer is connected, go into device management in the software and click onthe manage label page, click cancel administrator button, then eliminate it,after connection halts, T&A menu mode occurred.
Q: Why does the terminal beep twiceafter I try to connect with the unit.
A: When connecting to the unit using RS232communications then the baud rate on the terminal and the software is not thesame. If using RS-485 communication, it might be the two communicationwires swapped around or the two wires are touching each other.
Q: When I turn on the terminal itdisplays “Remove finger” time after time.
A: Possible reasons:
1. The fingerprint sensor is dirty orscratched. If it is dirty you can use adhesive tape to remove it.
2. The connected wire to the fingerprintsensor is loose.
3. The chip responsible for the fingerprintsensor is faulty.
Contact your supplier if no 2 or 3 issuspected.
Q: When I try to download theattendance record from the terminal to the software, it shows failure ormistake midway into the communication, but when I download fingerprinttemplates or other management setting from terminal it works fine.
A: This can be the result of thecommunication cable, converter or COM port on the computer beingfaulty. This can affect the baud rate on the communications. Set the baudrates to 9600 or 19200 then try again.
Q: Why is there no voice on myterminal?
A: The speaker or voice chip isfaulty..
Q: When I power up my terminal thestartup bar cycles through but does not enter into the main idle screen.
A: Please check that the fingerprintsensor wire is not loose or broken. Send it back for repair, if it is not thereason for your problem.
Q: The time on the terminal issometimes slower than it is supposed to be.
A: The clock crystal might be faulty.
Q: Time is ”00:00” after I reboot my terminal, why?
A: The battery in the terminal may befaulty, please send back to your supplier for repairs.
Q: Why is there no beeps on pressing keysor a voice on my terminal?
A: The buzzer, speaker or circuitry isfaulty.
Q: Some user's fingerprint often can't beverified, how can such problem be solved?
A: The following situations can resultin a terminal not being able to verify a fingerprint:
(1) Fingerprint was rubbed down;
(2) Too many crinkles on fingerprint;
(3) Serious desquamation of fingers.
If the user’s fingerprint is not able to beverified, please delete it then enroll it again, or use a different finger forenrollment instead. Select the best fingers to enroll (less crinkles, nodesquamation, etc.). When enrolling a user please make sure that thefinger covers the biggest area it can on the sensor. Do a verification testright after enrollment. It is recommended to enroll more than onefingerprint per user.
Q: What will cause a communicationerror between the software and the terminal.
A: Possible reasons:
1. Wrong COM setting, COM port chosen isnot the COM port actually used.
2. Baud rate setting on computer COM portand fingerprint terminal is different.
3. The fingerprint terminal is notconnected to power or to the computer.
4. Wrong terminal No. selected.
6. The data cable or converter is faulty.
7. Faulty COM port on computer.
Q: The LCD doesn’t display correctlyafter I switched on the unit, sometimes a black stripe displays on screen, howcan I solve this?
1. The main board of the terminal isfaulty. Contact your supplier and return products to be repaired.
2. Internal characteristic problem on LCD,you need contact your supplier and return products to be repaired.
Q: How to eliminate the administratoron a terminal.
A: Make sure the terminal and thecomputer is connected, go into device management in the software and click onthe manage label page, click cancel administrator button, then eliminate it,after connection halts, T&A menu mode occurred.
Q: Why does the terminal beep twiceafter I try to connect with the unit.
A: When connecting to the unit using RS232communications then the baud rate on the terminal and the software is not thesame. If using RS-485 communication, it might be the two communicationwires swapped around or the two wires are touching each other.
Q: When I turn on the terminal itdisplays “Remove finger” time after time.
A: Possible reasons:
1. The fingerprint sensor is dirty orscratched. If it is dirty you can use adhesive tape to remove it.
2. The connected wire to the fingerprintsensor is loose.
3. The chip responsible for the fingerprintsensor is faulty.
Contact your supplier if no 2 or 3 issuspected.
Q: When I try to download theattendance record from the terminal to the software, it shows failure ormistake midway into the communication, but when I download fingerprinttemplates or other management setting from terminal it works fine.
A: This can be the result of thecommunication cable, converter or COM port on the computer beingfaulty. This can affect the baud rate on the communications. Set the baudrates to 9600 or 19200 then try again.
Q: Why is there no voice on myterminal?
A: The speaker or voice chip isfaulty..
Q: When I power up my terminal thestartup bar cycles through but does not enter into the main idle screen.
A: Please check that the fingerprintsensor wire is not loose or broken. Send it back for repair, if it is not thereason for your problem.
Q: The time on the terminal issometimes slower than it is supposed to be.
A: The clock crystal might be faulty.
Q: Time is ”00:00” after I reboot my terminal, why?
A: The battery in the terminal may befaulty, please send back to your supplier for repairs.
Q: Why is there no beeps on pressing keysor a voice on my terminal?
A: The buzzer, speaker or circuitry isfaulty.