NS-T16 Expansion Controller Board must work with NS-T5.net Elevator Access Control Panel door Controller Board, at most with 4 Expansion Board, control 69 floor elevator and 69 cabinet locker door.
Example 1: Lift Access Control Management
We usually have ten or more floors in one lift, but you just need one card reader. The system can distinguish the user's privilege, then take them to the right floor.
If the user has multi-floor privilege, when swiping the card, he can choose the floor he want to go this time, and he can not push other floor buttons.
If the users are the security and administrator, they can go to any floor they want according to the privilege settings.
Example 2: Cabinet Access Control
It can combine with the Adroitor software to manage this.
When you swiping card, the appoint cabinet will open.
The administrator can use PC to open all doors at one time to do some check and manage work.
The cleaner can open all the door to do cleaning work after office-time.

Dimension: L198mm * W144mm * H20mm